Fides Cloud Technologies is now trading as WhoYou

We have officially announced that Fides Cloud Technologies has changed its trading name and brand to WhoYou as we evolve in our journey as your trusted identity partner.

Since 2011, we have developed a strong reputation as the trusted biometric identity provider for several major players in the private and public financial services sector in South Africa.

We started with our highly regarded Trusted Vault technology, which led the way in safely and securely storing biometric and identity data in the cloud.

It’s since evolved into WhoYou, which builds upon the Trusted Vault by offering an expanded array of fraud-prevention identity verification solutions that can address your biometric, customer onboarding, and authentication needs.

Late last year, we also launched our WhoYou app for Android, iOS and Windows: a game-changer in helping businesses and individuals know who they’re dealing with by verifying their fingerprint or facial data in real-time.

Under the brand WhoYou, we are set to take our offerings even further with new innovations such as One-Time Verification (OTV).

WhoYou’s OTV tech will evolve SA beyond OTP

OTV improves upon older One-Time Pin (OTP) technologies by being a better and safer alternative for businesses when it comes to remotely validating their customers’ identities – especially in a world where social distancing has become the norm.

OTV makes use of a link that customers receive via SMS, email or other existing gateways such as chat services or WhatsApp. This link either opens in a business’s app or in the customer’s web browser on their mobile phone or even laptop. Once the customer clicks on the link, they are invited to capture their unique biometric information — through a photograph of their fingerprint, face or both — in order to verify their identity.

In a matter of seconds, WhoYou electronically sends the facial or fingerprint data, with the individual’s consent, to the National Population Register (NPR), which is maintained and managed by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The DHA then confirms the individual’s identity in line with their security standards.

To find out more about OTV, take a look at the OTV page on our website or watch our video below. You can also read more about our technology on